A Warm Thanksgiving Thanks to You!

I wanted to take a moment on this crisp and sunny coastal Thanksgiving weekend to give a warm Thanksgiving thanks to you!

To Our Monterey Wineries and Winemakers: I write this blog from my heart for you. You work hard to create delicious, impressive wines from our unique earth and climate, sometimes challenging. I am so hopeful for our very promising 2023 vintage. I thank you in return for the consideration you give me in terms of industry discounts and even sometimes donated wine for my nonprofit classes.

To My Readers: I write this blog to you – to help share our Monterey and Central Coast wines that sometimes don’t get seen outside of our local area. We’ve got good stuff here and I want you to know about it. Wine tasting here is so much fun – good wine, friendly staff, low key and affordable. I love it when you will go to the actual website and leave me a comment or two. I hope to see more of that. And thank you so much for nominating Decanting Monterey as Best Local Blog. While I didn’t win, I am so grateful for your efforts to get this website seen and heard.

To Our Local Wine Organizations: The Monterey County Vintners & Growers Association, the Santa Lucia Highlands Wine Artisans, and the Arroyo Seco Winegrowers Association I rely on you for information about our local wines and thank you for your generosity in access to your events. And the American Wine Society – Monterey Chapter, which welcomed me with open arms and has allowed me to advise them on our local wineries for their many events. If you aren’t a member, you can join today by joining the AWS and adding on our Monterey Chapter. We’d love to see you at our events.

To the Decanting Monterey Wine Pod: My husband and our friends, including our daughters who were trapped on the Monterey Peninsula with us during the pandemic. They were with me when this all started as a Facebook pandemic pastime and watched it grow into a real website and blog. I rely on the Wine Pod for tasting notes and opinions so you don’t always get just mine. Oh, and fun. We have had a number of fun adventures together exploring wineries and tasting wines.

To My Donors: I am so grateful to the people who have donated to Decanting Monterey. This is a self-funded wine blog with real operating expenses. I am proud that my handful of donors have come from our local wine industry, our local wine organizations, and from my readers. Thank you for your support.


Now, to the most important question of the day: What local wines did you serve on Thanksgiving? We took a magnum of 2015 Rombi Cabernet Sauvignon, my favorite vintage of his Cabs. I previously wrote about it here.


I encourage you to make a comment on today’s post sharing the local wines that you enjoyed on Thanksgiving or over the weekend! I raise a toast to all of you in gratitude.

Central Coast Sharon

© Decanting Monterey 2023

Support Decanting Monterey’s Wine Education Efforts!


Central Coast Sharon

Sharon is a wine aficionado who has decades of first-hand knowledge exploring the many wineries, vintners, tasting rooms and wines across the 9 American Viticultural Areas of Monterey County. She shares her passion as a volunteer wine educator who presents Monterey wines to classes in Washington DC and Northern Virginia. She is Wine and Spirits Education Trust Level 1 Certified. She moved permanently to the Monterey area in 2017.

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