Tagged: Desire Lines Wine Co.

Desire Lines: A Cachagua Cab at a Bargain Price!


Sometimes it sounds too good to be true and sometimes it is such a good deal, you can’t pass it up.  When we saw a Cabernet Sauvignon from Carmel Valley’s Cachagua region on sale for $16 at K&L Wine Merchants, we had to try it! By the time we did – and determined it was worthy for one of my wine classes – it was completely sold out.


This is just an excerpt – I encourage you to read their whole story here!

Forging our path.

“A desire line is a path made by the one walking it. It’s often a path that diverts from the main trail, whether through an empty field to get from one street to another or a straight line up a mountain made by someone too impatient for switchbacks…

“Our winemaking path is guided by our vineyard sources, spanning 400+ miles across the expanse of Northern California. We go wherever a fascinating vineyard hooks us in and inspires us – these are sites that produce vibrant and singular wines that speak compellingly of place and time. From Riesling in the single-vineyard Cole Ranch AVA to 1890s-planted vines in Contra Costa County, our vineyards are the most important part of our wines: so much so that our labels feature the vineyard name as the largest text on the bottle along with a hand-drawn illustration of the vineyard.

“Desire Lines wines are inspired by pioneering California winemakers and their coming-of-age wines from the 1970s and 80s – Cody describes this philosophy as “neo-classical” though Emily maintains that isn’t a sensible way to describe winemaking. What this looks like in the cellar is native yeast fermentations, lots of whole-cluster use in many of our reds, barrel fermentation for our whites, and aging in primarily neutral oak and large format barrels.

“It’s a great joy to be able to share these wines with others, like crossing paths on a trail and getting to chat for a minute about how great the view is from here…”


Today I’m bringing you just one wine. Winery notes come from wine.com. Any errors are mine and mine alone.

2021 Desire Lines Experimental Series No. 12 Cabernet Sauvignon, Cachagua Ridge Vineyard, Carmel Valley AVA, Monterey County, 14% ABV, $40/$16 sale (#1434)

Winemaker’s Notes: “We’ve named this wine “Cachagua Ridge” as an ode to the place – the vineyard is planted on a ridge above the Cachagua Valley, below the towering peaks of the Ventana Wilderness. “Cachagua” is purported to mean “hidden waters”, a nod to the underground springs that flow down from the Santa Lucia Mountains all along the length of the valley. The wine was fully destemmed; fermented and left on skins for 30 days; racked once over the course of a fifteen-month élevage; and raised in a mix of 225L and 500L barrels with 40% new oak included (Taransaud’s Grande Chauffe toast). I love the balance of savory and fruit-sweet elements within this wine, and I’m kind of astounded by the density and ripeness the wine possesses at just 13.4% alcohol. I think the wine is drinking exceptionally well right now, and I expect it to age beautifully – a perfect cellar defender Cabernet from one of my new favorite wine regions.”

My Review: Medium purple in the glass. At first, presented thin mid-palate, but opened up to reveal good, dark fruit flavors, which one expects from a Cachaguan Cabernet Sauvignon. Some chewy tannins to balance it all out.  I would serve this at a large gathering and, at this price, wold have loved to present it in a class.  Alas.  In sum, a tasty little wine, and a steal at $16. We might never see that price again! August 2024

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